BCMT, ACMT, ASCAP, IEA Accredited Professional
Myofascial Massage Therapist, Composer/Musician/Multi-Media Artist, Enneagram Teacher
The place where myofascial massage, the enneagram, and music & the arts are woven together!

Sarah McMahill
Owner and sole proprietor
Weaver of creative expressions, body conversations and mind-gardening
BA in Theater (directing and vocal techniques), English (creative writing), and Art (multi-media) BCMT, ACMT, ASCAP, IAWM, IEA Accredited Professional
I am a song and wellness weaver, an openly queer composer/musician, poet/author, myofascial massage therapist, enneagram coach/educator, and multi-media artist. I started studying music education at Doane University in Nebraska where I had two music scholarships (voice and clarinet). I had a few experiences during my two years at Doane that influenced my decision to transfer to Southwest MN State University (SMSU) where I received my BA in theatre, English, and art. I then attended Saint Paul College where I received my certificate in massage therapy. I knew I wanted to specialize in myofascial release therapy (MFR), so I took many seminars taught by John F. Barnes. I started learning about the enneagram while I was at SMSU but it wasn't until 2011 when I had an experience at a myofascial release seminar that changed the direction of my career. I received enneagram teacher training from Anne Murée, Dynamic Enneagram using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Certification with Tom Condon, teacher training through Moving Forward Australia, and am an IEA (International Enneagram Association) Accredited Professional. For the past few years I have also been studying under Andrea Isaacs (founder of EnneaMotion), Russ Hudson, and Catherine Bell.
The 2011 Career-Changing Experience
John Barnes had his model skeleton with him at the Women's Health Seminar that I attended in 2011. During the afternoon session he pulled out the plastic sacrum to demonstrate a technique. I finished writing myself a note as he placed it in his hand for everyone to see. I gasped when I looked back up as I came to realize that the shape of the sacrum is very similar to the shape of the enneagram. When that day's session ended, I went back to my office and pulled out my enneagram and anatomy books. I placed the images side-by-side and seeing them together verified for me that there are significant patterns linking the enneagram and our physical body. This was when I knew I needed to dive deeper into the parallels of the human body and the enneagram. Even the word "sacrum" is significant as it translates to "sacred bone". Our "sacred bone" is literally in the core of our being. I have been working on a book going into more detail on this subject.
The Missing Link
The enneagram is arranged by centers: the body, the mind, and the heart. I had been focusing so much of my energy on the connections between the body and the mind that I didn't realize I was neglecting my heart. The heart is the center for expression. When the ability to express ourselves becomes restricted by external and/or internal sources, it affects the connection to our heart. When Covid affected my ability to see in-person clients, it gave me the opportunity to explore my heart and how my expression has been restricted over the years. I found my heart opening up more when I went back to composing music and writing poetry and stories. I found my missing link.
What's Your Weave?
I have discovered that when I pay attention to and honor all three of my centers (body, heart, and mind) then dealing with what life throws at me becomes easier to handle. This is why I decided to weave together elements from my three businesses to create Wellness Weaving. The services Wellness Weaving encompasses bodywork, expressions of the heart, and tending to the mind (what I like to call mind-gardening). This isn't easy work but the results from doing it are freeing and worthwhile. Schedule your free discovery call today!
*BA in Theater (directing and vocal techniques), English (Creative Writing), and Art (Multi-Media)
*Certified member of the Association of Bodywork and Massage Professionals. (ACMT)
*Nationally Board Certified Massage Therapist (BCMT)
*Full Circle Enneagram Teaching Certificate
*Accredited Enneagram Teacher through Moving Forward Australia
*Accredited Professional through the International Enneagram Association (IEA)
*Member of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers)
*Member of IAWM (International Alliance for Women in Music)