BCMT, ACMT, ASCAP, IEA Accredited Professional
Myofascial Massage Therapist, Composer/Musician/Multi-Media Artist, Enneagram Teacher
The place where myofascial massage, the enneagram, and music & the arts are woven together!

Enneagram Resources and Other Information
Here's a compilation from my bookshelf (both physical and electronic).
Please contact me at hearthandsmfr@hearthands.net
if there's a book or other resource you would like me to consider adding.
Enneagram Books
"Archetypes of the Enneagram" by Susan Rhodes
"Awareness to Action" By Robert Tallon and Mario Sikora
"Becoming Conscious: The Enneagram's Forgotten Passageway" by Dr. Joseph Benton Howell
"Deep Living with the Enneagram" Roxanne Howe-Murphy
"Emotions and the Enneagram: Working Through Your Shadow Life Script" by Margaret Frings Keyes
"Enneagram Applications: Personality Styles in Business, Therapy, Medicine, Spirituality and Daily Life" Edited by Clarence Thomson and Thomas Condon
"Enneagram Transformations" by Don Richard Riso
"Essential Wholeness" by Eric Lyleson
"Heart and Soul of the Enneagram" by Carol Ann Gotch and David Walsh
"In Search of Being" by G.I. Gurdjieff
"In Search of the Miraculous" by P.D. Ouspensky
"My Best Self: Using the Enneagram to Free the Soul" By Kathleen Hurley and Theodore Dobson
"Personality Types" by Don Riso and Russ Hudson
"The Complete Enneagram" by Dr. Beatrice Chestnut
"The Literary Enneagram" by Judith Searle
"The Reality of Being" by Jeanne De Salzmann
"The Road Back to You" By Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
"The Sufi Enneagram" by Laleh Bakhtiar
"The Wisdom of the Enneagram" by Russ Hudson and Don Riso
"Where (on Earth) Did the Enneagram Come From?" By Fátima Fernández Christlieb
"Yoga Nine Ways" by Debi Lewis
Other Personal Growth/Wellness Books
"Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Wall-Kimmerer
"Braving the Wilderness" by Brené Brown
"Chakra Healing" by Margarita Alcantara
"Chakras and Their Archetypes" by Ambike Wauters
"Deepening Engagement" by Dr. Diane M. Millis
"Discovering the Body's Wisdom" by Mirka Knaster
"Feel the Fear... and Beyond" by Dr. Susan Jeffers
"Healing With Awareness" by Mary Ruth Velicki
"How To Be" by Dr. Claudio Naranjo
"How to Think Well, and Why" by Mario Sikora
"In an Unspoken Voice" by Dr. Peter Levine
"Intuitive Healing" by Dr. Judith Orloff
"Inward Journey: Art as Therapy" by Margaret Frings Keyes
"Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation" by Dr. Daniel J. Siegel
"Mother Earth Spirituality" by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man
"Music and Sound in the Healing Arts" by John Beaulieu
"Natural Intelligence" by Susan Aposhyan
"New Self New World" by Philip Shepherd
"Personality Hacker" by Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge
"Radical Wholeness" by Philip Shepherd
"Sacred Contracts" by Caroline Myss
"Somatic Reality" by Stanley Keleman
"The Diamond Approach" by A.H. Almaas
"The Gift of Fear" by Gavin DeBecker
"The Gift" by Hafiz
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"The Unfolding Now" by A.H. Almaas
"The Wisdom Way of Knowing" by Cynthia Bourgeault
"Waking the Tiger" by Dr. Peter Levine
"When the Body Says No" by Dr. Gabor Maté
"Your Body Speaks Its Mind" by Stanley Keleman
Online Resources/Podcasts